Montgomery County House Delegation Meeting
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 9:00 a.m.
Room 170 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, Maryland
Late-filed bill requests:
(2/3 majority vote in House Delegation needed to accept as late-filed bills and to schedule for a public hearing)
Requested by Senator Raskin
Requested by - Senator Raskin
Requested by - Senator Raskin
Bill Hearing:
Requested by – Delegates Manno, Ali, Carr, Feldman, Hucker, Lee, Montgomery, Reznik, & Rice
Requested by - Delegate Carr, Senator Madaleno, & Delegates Gutiérrez & Waldstreicher
Requested by Montgomery County & Prince George's County Delegation Chairs on behalf of
the Prince George's County Executive
Requested by Delegate Al Carr
Voting Session – County Affairs Committee Report
Requested by - Delegate Al Carr, Senator Richard Madaleno, & Delegates Ana Sol Gutierrez, Karen Montgomery, & Jeff Waldstreicher
County Affairs Committee - Unfavorable
Requested by Delegate Heather Mizeur
County Affairs Committee - Favorable with amendments
Requested by - Delegate Al Carr
County Affairs Committee - Favorable with amendments
Voting Session – Land Use & Transportation Committee Report
Requested by - Delegate Al Carr, Senator Richard Madaleno, & Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher
Land Use & Transportation Committee - Favorable
Requested by - Delegate Al Carr, Senator Richard Madaleno, & Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher
Land Use & Transportation Committee - Favorable
Requested by - Senator Rob Garagiola
Land Use & Transportation Committee - Unfavorable
Requested by - Delegate Saqib Ali & Senator Mike Lenett
Land Use & Transportation Committee - Unfavorable
*All meeting dates, times and agendas are subject to change at the discretion of the Chairman.