MC/PG 105-25 – Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission – Membership, Transparency, Billing, and Planning (WSSC Transparency and Reform Act of 2025)
Requested by: Delegate Korman
Co-sponsors: Delegates Wilkins and Barnes
Synopsis: FOR the purpose of requiring one of the commissioners from Montgomery County on the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to be the Director of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection or the Director’s designee; requiring the Commission to develop certain long–range planning scenarios on a periodic basis; requiring the Commission to include certain information related to the Commission on the Commission’s searchable website; prohibiting the Commission from limiting how frequently certain customers may receive a certain billing adjustment; altering the authorized billing frequency for certain charges; requiring the Commission to appoint a representative to a certain coordinating committee; requiring the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability in the Department of Legislative Services to conduct a certain review of the efficiency and sustainability of the Commission’s operations; and generally relating to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.
Bill Text: Read bill in pdf here
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